Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday Funnies-isn't it the truth?

Yup. They sure got it right!!
Sorry we haven't been visiting lately. Mom's trying to stay on top of all the hollyday stuff-like wrapping presents and keeping the Little Monkey from tipping the tree over (he broke it the other day! HIM! NOT US!). There is talk another storm is moving in this weekend. That could be good-we hear rumors that Mom, the Man in Green and the Little Monkey are leaving on Monday and not coming back until the next day. It's cold and lonely here when they aren't here.
Happy Friday!

5 hi-fives:

Gemini and Ichiro said...

OH I am so sad that you might be all alone on Christmas! That is not fair! I would miss Momma!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Well, at least they'll be back in time for yoo to have SOME Krissmouse. Chey is right, it is so not fair for them to leave yoo all alone...wanna come over here? We'll have some company on Monday night but dey is all good beans and love kitties and on Krissmouse day it will just be us and mom and dad.

Spooker said...

That funnies is funny - yep, I works on solar energy, too.

Wishing you a warm & merry Christmas!
~ The Gang from Purrchance To Dream

Tybalt said...

Great comic. I am sorry to hear your mom and dad are abandoning you early next week.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope Sandy Paws is GREAT to you all! Purrs!

PB 'n J said...

How funny - we did a Friday Funnies too! Your's is pretty darn funny!

Hope the storm isn't too bad, we're expecting more rain and snow here over the weekend (daddy is worried that it will mess up the airplane leaving - we sure hope so!).