Thursday, December 7, 2006

Our very first Thursday Thirteen Edition 1

(The mom that lives here is not the greatest at html and stuff like that. She couldn't figure out how to get the Thursday Thirteen box on here.) We thought we would post a list anyways! We hope that's ok wif evryons!

What the 3 of us want for Christmas!
  1. Conner wants a goldfishie to watch swim round and round.
  2. Dazey wants a new feather wand toy!
  3. Jesse wants some new fuzzy balls. Her favorite color is purple, Mr. Santy Claws!
  4. We all would enjoy some catnip!
  5. A new water dish thingy would be great. Ours is getting kinda yucky.
  6. Dazey wants a box that won't go away. And to have the mom that lives here keep everyone else out of it!
  7. Conner wants Cuddles, lots and lots of cuddles.
  8. Jesse would like uninterrupted sleep, without Conner Cloud jumping on the mom that lives here's bed.
  9. Some stinky goodness for our breakfast on Christmas morning.
  10. BREAD!
  11. Snow on the ground. JUST for Christmas though!
  12. Love
  13. For the Man in Green to call on the telephone from Irak.

Maybe someone can post to help mom how to figure out that little box!

1 hi-fives:

Skeezix the Cat said...

Congrats on yer ferst TT! And I hope yoo git lots of calls frum the Man in Green frum Irak!