Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring Cleaning?!

Since it's now spring, our MTLH has been talkin' about spring cleaning. We just thought it meant her getting out the big sucky machine a lot. We didn't know she was talking about us!!

The MTV (our Ant Kat) comed over today to help torture us! Normally, we likes her a lot! But not today!!!

Can you guess what happened........................................... All 3 of us got it and got it BAD! No pictures of Dazey though. We are thinking about moving out and finding a place of our own! Or, can we come live with you?

We gots lots of TEMPTATIONS when we was all through. We not too sure if it's worth it though.

16 hi-fives:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You probably don't want to come live with me - I have to have weekly baths! Yep, once a week! I do get an extra serving of yummy stinky goodness after my bath, though. And I know my humans only do it to keep me healthy, even though I don't really enjoy it.

Christine and FAZ said...

Oh no. I really hope my humans don't see your blog. I would 'freak out' if they tried to bath me. You are both very brave. I know DH has weekly baths but he is extremely special. FAZ

Mr. Hendrix said...

Ack! You can come stay with me. I have to have my ears cleaned every week, but you wouldn't. No baths either! Every once in a while I get "wiped" with a bath wipe (as I run streaking away) during the big shedding season, but nothing like that....I'm gonna have nightmares during my nap!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Omigosh, we started hiper-ventlating when we sawed doze pikshers. How dare dey, we are perfektly kapabul of keeping our own selfs clean! Sum beans iz just krazee...We won't let mom see dis or she mite get sum goofy idea dat she cood make us smell nice or sumfing.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...

OH NO... is dis what spring cleanin be all about????? i finked it wuz just throwin old stuff away 'n mopping 'n polishin 'n such. :: gasps :: is that gonna happen to me??????

Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh, I haf bad memories comin back. I got washed 3 times an I's only lifed here one an a half years! Acourse, they was always after I gotted sumfing all ofur myself. The firstest time, it was chocolate milk. I was so surprised by the bath, I forgotted to squirm an cry. Then I snuggled in the boy's lap to dry, which was kinda nice. After that, I fought in the ofur two bafs. I'm bein more careful, but...

Daisy said...

Oh my goodness! You poor things. I have never had a bath. Ever. You can come live with me if you want.

ps: I'll bet you smell pretty now!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh oh oh oh you poor poor poor things. How could your humans treat you this way? You may come and reside with me, in exchange for my little brother,of course. I would rather have you guys any day.

The M's said...

Please check you p-mail on catster. We have a special surprize for you.

Forty Paws said...

Oh NO!!!! Kitty torture to the nth degree!! Gatsbi used to get baths every month cuz she can't bathe herself, but then she would get diarrhea afterwards from the stress. Try that next time!!! She doesn't get monthly baths anymore!

Thanks for the birthday wishes!!

Luf, Bow

Ivan from WMD said...

Crummy old Temptations for such an indignity? You should have gotten shrimp and ham and anything else you wanted! For maybe a whole YEAR.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Um...how did you get so dirty?

Katnippia said...

Hi sweet Conner! You'z can all comes live with us. Our meowmize doesn't give us baths. I finks the only one to ever have one was Taps. That was because him an another kitty has fleas really bad. Oh, and Shamy got his bottom washed from peeing in his carrier going to the VET.
Purrs, and headrubberz..Snowy

Parker said...

AAAAAIIIIEEEEE! You can come live here! My paws got sweaty just lookin' at the photos!

LZ said...

Uh-oh....that happened to me once. It was HORRIBLE. So so sorry about your experience.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We don't think gettin a water bath is worth temptashuns! Unless we get somethin nasty and sticky in our fur, we don't get batht.