Monday, April 16, 2007

Clippy Claws is coming...

The MTLH told us that it's getting to be time for Clippy Claws. Normally, the Man in Green takes care of that for us. But, since he's in Irak, that can't happen (unless the MTLH ships us off to him!) We finded this article and decided we better draw her attention to it. She's never done clippy claws (and Conner is excluded since he doesn't have ANY claws.) His first dad declawed him and before the MTLH knew any better, me and Dazey were front declawed.

Tips for using Cat Nail Trimmers
· Bleeding toenails can occur when nails are cut too short or into the quick. This can be remedied by using a small amount of flour packed onto the end of the nail to quell the bleeding. Or you can try rubbing a bar of soap on the end of the nail for the same effect. Nothing, however, beats having a stash of styptic powder, which you can buy at your local pet store or veterinarian office.

· Most importantly, take your time and be patient the first few times you trim your cat's nails. If you can avoid cutting too deeply in the beginning, your cat will develop a more willing attitude and make the whole job easier. Remember, you can always trim a little more, but you can't take back the pain from having trimmed too much.

· And congratulations for choosing to trim your cat's nails to avoid the problems of razor sharp claws. It is the kind and humane alternative to de-clawing surgery!

7 hi-fives:

Daisy said...

Good luck! I know the MTLH will do fine with your clippy claws. Pixie and I always get our toenails clipped, but mine grow very fast! I prefer my clawrs sharp.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Make sure she gives you treats afterwards. Treats make it al better.

LZ said...

Good luck! I scream bloody murder and get really really upset when they approach my nails. I'm the only cat who needs 2 people to clip claws.


Karen Jo said...

Good luck with the clippy claws. I would be scared to death to try that.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we doesn't mind clippy claws - mommy calls it "grooming" and when we is done she calls us "well groomed little gentlemen" and gifs us treats

Parker said...

Just demand many treats when you are finished. It works for me!

Forty Paws said...

MTLH will do fine. Especially if you've only got the back ones to do. It'll be over before you know it!!

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