Monday, May 7, 2007

Miserable Monday

This pretty much says it all. (Although we see no woofies or puddins' falling from up there) It rained yesterday and is supposed to rain ALL DAY AGAIN! There are no open windows and no sunbeams to lay in.
PS-We thinks furybody in our house is feeling better. Our MTLH got the floor sucky thing out already today. Thank you for your good vibes and purrs.

10 hi-fives:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Sorry to hear you are having so much rain! I hope it stops raining for you soon. It's raining here, but we need the rain since it has been a hot and dry spring so far.

Daisy said...

I am wishing you better weather. We are in a drought, so you can send your rain this way if you want!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z sorry the weather there is so sucky. We can send yoo sum sunbeems but yoo'd hafta send dem back for tomoro cuz it's apposta rain here.


If'n you get tired of da rains please send it our way! We needs sum!!


Kimo and Sabi said...

No Way! It's 95 degrees at our house today (we is happy to be indoors)!

Parker said...

Oh we feel your pain! No sun, no open windows and over a foot of rain in 24 hours. Sigh...

Rosemary B❤️ said...

So, YOU are hogging the rain huh?
We sure could use some...

enjoy the snuggling

Monty Q. Kat said...

If you want MomBean says you're welcome to teleport over here to hang out, we've got lots of sunshine. It's kinda windy, though, so bring an extra blankie if you want.

Just Ducky said...

As long as it was just rain and not one of those bad blowing things that makes towns go poof!

Willow said...

Well, I'm in St. Louis and we are still expecting more rain... I'm happy that my screened-in porch has a roof so I can still check out the outside. Maybe you'll get some sunshine tomorrow.