Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Fights

If you've read our blog for any time, you know that me and Jesse don't get along so well. I like her just fine but she does NOT like me. Not even a little bit! Since she doesn't like me and I want to be friends, I try to play with her. This is normally the result.

Mom says to tell you that we were above Freezing yesterday but it's supposed to get real cold again. 

5 hi-fives:

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Are you going to wrestle or just be mean to each other. Wrestling is way more fun...

Kiera said...

Play nice! Thanks for visiting me!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well dont freeze! Stay inside where it warm... An keep tryin ta play with Jesse. She may play back some day.

Mr. Hendrix said...

jeez, sisters. I'm glad I don't have one to whap at me like that. Maybe she'll warm up to you one day.

Stay inside where it is nice and warm! It feels like 9 degrees here. I'm crossing paws that the "Great White Death" they are predicting for tomorrow stays away.

I hope it doesn't get colder for you. purrrrrrs

The Crew said...

Jesse, my dear face twin, sometimes I fight with my brother, too. Did you see the recent wrestling match I had with George? Unfortunately I didn't win.
