Friday, February 27, 2009

more business

Again, our blog is neglected.

school.the Little Monkey. the MIG. etc etc. Well, we'll have you know that SOME of us were here before the Little Monkey AND the MIG! 

The weather guessers (I think we saw that on Derby's blog!) are talking snow today. That was after talking about ice yesterday. MMMM, not so much. It did rain yesterday, along with some thunder boomies and a few bright flashy lights.

It was nice on Wednesday so the Little Monkey and mom got to play outside for a while.

Mom is watching a little blurpy thing today. SHe says she's the backup for when his sitter is gone or sick or something. 

THe Little Monkey is healthy again, which is always a relief to our mom. However the ickies doesn't prevent him from wanting to play with Conner. 

Dazey has decided she likes to lick the shower walls after someone is done. ANd she hides in it thinking that the LIttle Monkey won't find her.

Me-I just got out of a room that I got locked into for an hour. Good thing I was crying or I could have been MIA for days! Oh, the horror.

Have a super weekend!!


7 hi-fives:

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well I am glad that you talked your person into blogging for you. I find it so annoying when I get neglected like that!

Just Ducky said...

I don't think I invented weather guesser, I saw it somewhere else first, but I don't remember where now.

Ours was rain, ice, snow. We got rain and just a little dust of snow.

Nina Torbie said...

Oh, I like to lick the shower, too! It's so... interesting. I'm afraid we got your ice because I heard Mom scraping her car yesterday and it took her a long time. Did you know that tomorrow is Victor's purrthday? He'll be 4!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, it is DSatur day now, but we is hearing nasty froze stuff hitting windows outside! Hope the birdies are OK, as we love ta watch them.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

We're glad that you all seem to be healthy now. We're getting a little snow today. I love snow and we have had only 2-3 inches for the entire season.

Anyway, you were so kind to leave a comforting comment upon my beloved Jake’s passing last month. The cat blogosphere is a wonderfully caring community, and I am honored to be a part of it. Thank you for your support during this difficult time for me. Jake’s memory will forever live in my heart and mind.

~J&B’s Mom Nancy

meemsnyc said...

Hehehehe, Sebastian likes to lick the tub after we shower too.

The Cat Realm said...

Happy Birthday Conner's sister! He didn't mention which sister's birthday it is today... but we wish you a happy day anyways!!!!