Saturday, September 23, 2006

Conner's Chronicles 9*23

It's a tough life but some kitty has to do it! I'm 4 years old and some days I run around crazy like I'm a tiny kitten again. Don't get me wrong-I'm certainly not feeling old!
After blogging, perhaps I will go sniff around the new one. He smells different and makes a lot of noise. The moms won't let me in the room where he lives. I was in the big jail in there one day and I got told "Conner, NO! Get out of there" I jumped out like my butt was on fire but it still got swatted anyway. Man, how was I to know?!

I have 2 moms! The one I live with and the one that visits. The onethat visits buys me things, like the black fancy smancy collar I have. I don't live with her cuz she claims to be allergic and somthing called a husband is allergic. That's ok thugh. I've lived here almost all my life and I don't think I'd like going anywhere else. The mom i live with couldn't let me get dumped out by my first dad. He lived here with the mom that lives here and the guy in green. When the first dad left to go live somewhere else, he didn't want me anymore. I'm not sure why! I'm cute and cuddly!!! I look like a tiger...grrrr. Anyways, the mom I live with couldn't bear to see me get dumped out so she told the guy in green that I was staying. no discussion. I've been here ever since. Then the mom that visits came to live here. I adopted her. She left for a while to go to somewhere called basic training and I was lonely. I sleeped in her bed all the time and looked pathetic until she came home. i wrote her letters though. Then she came home and I was happy again. Then, she moved out last year and couldn't take me so again, I stayed here. She comes to visit a lot so that's ok. As long as she brings me things!

Gotta go investigate a bug...he looks quite tasty!! YUM!

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