The hot weather must be going around. It's been hot here lately too. So hot in fact, that the MTLH shutted up all our windows and turned on the cold blowing masheen.
That is ok cuz it keeps us cool but we miss our open windows.

Typed by The Mom, but dictated by Unknown at 9:43:00 AM
5 hi-fives:
Dis ist embarrasin, but re: yur commint bowt owr Dyson hair collection, dat wuz only a quickie cleen ov 2 ruums. Wen Maw duz a SERIOUS vakuum, she empties da Dyson 5 times!!!
Luf, Us
humans are so peculiar. Why the little ones would want to get wet is beyond me! That looks like torture - not fun!
Disgusting! That wet thing.
We have over 100 degrees everyday, so we sleep a lot! And get up VERY early when it's still nice outside.
Oh ding dong. We forgot to invite you: Please come over to our lizard BBQ and share some lizards with us!!!!
Mum turned out cooly thing on too, but yes, then I don't get open windows.
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