Saturday, July 26, 2008


WOW! Our mom cooked something this morning that smelled wonderful! Since she hardly ever cooks it, we sometimes forget the smell....


It was good!

Windows were open again all day yesterday and there are a few open right now.

Have a good weekend!

8 hi-fives:

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Bacon? I am so there.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yummmmmm. Bacon is good.

Lux said...

Oh, you're making even my mom salivate!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Ooo ... I LOVE that smell. Did you save me a tiny morsel? I'll bet that you didn't 'cuz bacon is so irrisistable! Mom had snausage this morning an' we didn't get ANY.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

HAM, HAM, HAM... ;)

The Crew said...

I don't think I even know what bacon smells like. Mom never cooks it any more 'cause of something called "hi klesdrawl". I'm not sure what that is.

Your friend

Unknown said...

Hi guys, sorry we has not stopped by in a while. Bacon does smell good. We never get any, though. Mombean eats it all. She's a piggy.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

bacon? i luv bacon!
thankz fer stoppin by an tellin me abowt blogger today.