(Jesse eating her marshmallow and me just being nosy and inspecting it to see if I want any)
My Mancat Rule today: Be a big brave mancat and sit next to the sister who doesn't like you. These pictures were captured at rare moments where Jesse didn't hiss at me!! She didn't like it that I was there, but she didn't hiss!
Big purrs to all who need them.
(PS-Does anycat want some snow? Mom says we have about 2 inches which isn't much but she doesn't want it!)
Conner you are a very brave mancat to sit by any female cat who doesn't like you. When ANgel was a kitten she and her siblings used to go mad for marshmallows too! Weird if you ask me. Have a good Mancatly Monday!
You is FURRY brave, Connor! I was a brave MiniManCat today too. I wented to the V-E-T and got a sticky owie in my bun and then I slept next to my sis-furr Bebe! Mama said she'll prolly post that piture on Friday.
Sitting by hissy sisters can be dangerous. My sister Josie loves us, but she has a quick hiss, too.
I was born in a no-kill shelter in E. Moline, Ill., in the Quad-Cities. Mom and Dad adopted me and took me across the river to Davenport, Iowa. I lived in Davenport for about three years while my beans finished chiropractic school at Palmer. Then we took the long long trip to South Carolina where we don't have cold snow (which you can keep up there, thank you. Mom and Dad actually put me on the leash and took me out in the snow once -- key word being once). --Jasper
The motto in our house is "Just Say No To Snow!". Mom and our Nana and Grampy all grew up in New England. Mom tells people it is no accident that she does not live up there anymore!
Dazey and Jesse are complete opposites. Sisters from the same litter, Dazey is an outgoing and nosy calico. Jesse is shy, cranky and reserved. A ginger boycat named Conner Cloud rounds out the trio. He knows Jesse doesn't like him...but that doesn't stop him from tormenting her! This is where we'll sporadically update you to the happenings in our lives with our mom, our Man in Green (MIG) and the Little Monkey.
12 hi-fives:
Conner you are a very brave mancat to sit by any female cat who doesn't like you. When ANgel was a kitten she and her siblings used to go mad for marshmallows too! Weird if you ask me. Have a good Mancatly Monday!
Whicky Wuudler
That is very brave of you! I know how mean sisters can be.
My sister Zoey will hiss at me when we play a little rough...she can give it but she can't take it...
You is FURRY brave, Connor! I was a brave MiniManCat today too. I wented to the V-E-T and got a sticky owie in my bun and then I slept next to my sis-furr Bebe! Mama said she'll prolly post that piture on Friday.
Oh Conner - that's is very brave indeed! I am glad that you were able to be that close and not get whapped!
Hi Conner! Youz lloks very handsome sitting next to your sister. I hopes youz nad your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Purrs and snuggles...Snowy
You are being very brave then aren't you?!
Good rule!
We would love the snow but only if a guaranteed mom day came with it.
2 inches of snow? How about 8. I am willing to share with you.
Sitting "near" is a kindly thing and promotes household peace. Sometimes a good mancat hasta lead the way.
Sitting by hissy sisters can be dangerous. My sister Josie loves us, but she has a quick hiss, too.
I was born in a no-kill shelter in E. Moline, Ill., in the Quad-Cities. Mom and Dad adopted me and took me across the river to Davenport, Iowa. I lived in Davenport for about three years while my beans finished chiropractic school at Palmer. Then we took the long long trip to South Carolina where we don't have cold snow (which you can keep up there, thank you. Mom and Dad actually put me on the leash and took me out in the snow once -- key word being once).
The motto in our house is "Just Say No To Snow!". Mom and our Nana and Grampy all grew up in New England. Mom tells people it is no accident that she does not live up there anymore!
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