See what Maggy and Zoey created for us? This is just the greatest! You can go to their blog and read what they wrote too!

A special thanks to all the cats, woofies and beans out in the blogosphere that prayed and supported us these last 10 months (since we started blogging in November). Our Man in Green was gone almost 18 months and sadly missed a lot. Your prayers, kind words and overall support mean more to our family than you will ever know. It's been a great honor to us to be accepted into the blogosphere and knowing we have a great support system means a whole lot to our family.
Conner Cloud
Monkey (Aka 2-legged kitten)
Mom Jennifer and
the Man in Green Mark
15 hi-fives:
That is a really neat picture that was made for you.
That is too cool! So happy your family is together! Enjoy!
What a great, heart-felt gift!
So glad you MIG is home safe!
Hurray for The Man in Green!
Skeeter and LC
That is a great picture that Maggie and Joey did. Wowie we is furry impressed. We want to fank your Man in Green for all he has done furr all of us. We is furry furry fankful, and we is glad he is home safe and sound.
:::woo woo:::
***clappin paws***
Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Our family is just grateful your MIG is safe at home. No thanks needed - it's your MIG that deserves the thanks!
Our thanks, heartfelt and sincere, go to your hero, your MIG. And also to YOU, and the wee-little MIG we saw in some of your photos, as you had to endure a long 18-months apart. None who have not walked in your shoes can feel or know the hardships. We support you and again thank you... and our little photo tribute was the very least we could offer... prayers for all of you, always. Maggy and Zoey (and Mom, Ann).
Wow, 18 months!!! That's a LONG time. In Canada, missions are restricted to six months only (although some people serve overseas longer, but only if they volunteer. Some volunteer because the extra pay is nice.) And then they have to be in Canada a year before they can be deployed again (although that can be shortened to six months for operational reasons.) Thank your Man in Green again for his service.
That is a wonderful picture Maggy and Zoey made for you. I am so happy your MiG is home safely, and I pray for all those who are still overseas.
We are furry glad he came home safely. We didn't meet you until recently so we didn't know. However, it does seem like a long scary stressful wait.
What a wonderful graphic Maggy and Zoey made for you! It's perfect. I can't imagine how difficult it has been for you to have your MIG away for 18 whole months.
Yeah fur yoor Man in Green being home! Thank yoo for yoor service, all of yoo, cuz it's da famblies dat serve too! Enjoy all yoor time together...
Wonderful pictures and wonderful that the MIG is home safely. He was gone a long time!
We are glad the MIG made it home safe and sound and we thank him for what he did. And we thank you his family for letting him go. Hope you had a big party and lots of fun time together.
Your FL furiends,
What a great picture - I love it!
That's a grate pikchur they did furr yoo. We are glad yer Man in Green got back safely to yoo.
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