Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #28

We won 2nd place in the Cat Blogosphere Chrissymouse Word Search Contest!! YAY! We got a $15 giftcard to Petsmart-it came in the mail yesterday! Here are 13 things we could get with our gift card!
1. A new bowl. Someone broke our third one so we need a new one!
2. A new placemat for our food dishes!
3. A water fountain!
4. A window perch so we can watch the birdies and squirrels!
5. Another Zoom Groom!
6. A Cat Veranda! (THIS IS PAWSOME!)
7. Fevver-Butt mousies!
9. NIP!
10. Balls. The Little Monkey took all ours!
11. Any new wand toy!
12. Kitty Grass!
13. Crunchies!
THANKS to Mom Robyn and the Cool Cats at HOTMBC! for sending out our gift card!!

6 hi-fives:

Tybalt said...

Oh my paws and whiskers! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Well done guys! :)

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations. I hope you get lots of goodies with your card.

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations. I hope you get lots of goodies with your card.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Woohoo...checking out all da stuff yoo can get is furry fun isn't it...

Daisy said...

I think you should get ALL of those things!