Monday, August 25, 2008

Mancat Monday

Here I am, being a big brave Mancat at the V E T last week. I came right out of the PTU and sat nicely until Dr. T came in.
This is my mom, or Ant Kat or whomever. It's confusing. She was giving me loves while I was being brave.
This is me telling my mom or ant that I was ready to go home.

In other news, the Mom that Lives Here starts another class today. It's anatomy/physiology. She has to diessect a................

Oh my cat! She can keep the details to herself.

10 hi-fives:

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad you were such a mancat! I do hope that your person doesn't get you confused with her science project!

Tybalt said...

You are a super brave mancat, Conner!

Purrs to your mommy for having to do that . . . it is one of the reasons mommy never took A&P!

Daisy said...

Conner, you are very brave!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Dissect ... a cat? Is that even legal?

Nomi said...

You wouldn't catch me being brafe like that at the v-e-t place. No way. What did you say your miewmie was dissecting ? I hope it was just a iddy biddy mouse.

Lux said...

You were very brave! I love exploring that little room, although I want to sneak into the back part of the building everyone tries to keep me out of!

Just Ducky said...

I would hide if your mum comes after you to practice disections. Mum remembers having to do fetal pigs in biology.

Anonymous said...

You're a courageous man cat, Conner. Last time I was at the vet, they had to pour me out of my PTU.

Ivan from WMD said...


The Crew said...

She has to dissect a what...a CAT!!!! you all want to stay with us for a while?