Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Whirlybird Wednesday

Here we are playing with the Whirlybird. We have a video too, but the MTLH has to figure out how to get it uploaded. If you don't have one yet, YOU NEED TO BEG YOUR BEANS FOR ONE! IT IS THE BEST TOY EVER! It's got fev-urs!

Dazey steals the Whirlybird a lot! She drags it around, like it's just hers! That's not fair so we complain to the MTLH!! ~Conner

15 hi-fives:

The M's said...

We loves our whirlybied also..We must beg Mommie to get it out for us today....Mmooommmiiiieeee

LZ said...

I've decided my humans are just cruel not to get us one. It looks like you guys just adore it!!!


Katnippia said...

Hi my sweet Conner! You lookz likez youz are having so much fun playing with your whirlybird. I finks we are going to have to tag team our meowmize to get us one.
Purrs, and headrubberz...Snowy

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We don't haf a WhirlyBird but we haf ribbons on a string on a pole like dat. We also like to steel Zippy's red fuzzy tail on a pole.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That Whirlybird sure looks like fun! Terrific photos. :)

My humans haven't been able to find a Whirylbird in Germany, but when we move back to Canada, I'm getting one for sure!

Daisy said...

That toy looks fun. I think it would be fun to play with the toy with yer brother or sister. My sister never plays any fun games with me. Ever.

momsbusy said...

we hasnts been abull to find a whirlybird yets. but mommees keeps lookin. maybe soon cuz it look like lots and lots of fun.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yep - we gots to get one of those!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Hmmmmm....maybe I should have picked that as my prize. Oh well, I posted pictures of what you sent me! Thanks for all the goodies!

Anonymous said...

that looks like so much fun! and FEV-VERS!!! we've got a birthday coming up (we're all turning 2), and that's what we're gonna ask for. in fact, we're gonna start asking right now.

Leona said...

We love ours also!

Mr. Hendrix said...

whirlybirds are sooooooooooooooo fun! my mommy hasn't figured out the video thing either so your mommy shouldn't feel bad.
it is funny dazey steals it, well, not funny to the rest of you...

Forty Paws said...

We lufs owr Whirlybird too!!

Pulleze send positive thoughts to liddle Dorfie. He is at the V-E-T dentist losing more teeth.

Luf, Us

Luna und Luzie said...

I don´t have a whirlybird but I think it is a cool game !!!
Dazey is looking a little bit like Luzie.
Beautiful cats, have fun :-)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hmm a hangy fevver thing. Yeah, we want that. Printing out the piciatures to show The Big Thing...